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CTRL - N0 0rdinary Kind





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You see that above?

Yeah, that’s a condom wrapper with a PFP inside. Because if you’re gonna fuck the (financial) system, you better stay safe while doing it.

At least that’s what CTRL believes, which had its limited genesis mint last year centered on the Bitcoin ideal of individual sovereignty.

Now they’re looking to further develop the IP with N0 0rdinary Kind, a set of PFPs created by British artist Penny, known in the London art scene for his stencil artwork.

A lot is going on with these:

  • Gamified Reveal: After mint, you can “rip” the condom wrappers (via transactions) to partially or fully reveal the PFP art, allowing you to play with rarity when trading

  • Runes Game: Ripping these wrappers yields the upcoming NO•ORDINARY•KIND Bitcoin rune which will be used to play KARDS, a poker-style game

  • Recursion: All PFPs descend from 2 Rare Sats (I don’t really care for sat rarity) including the project’s first inscribed one

  • Allowlist game featuring a side-scrolling platformer

Plus there’s the PFP art that’s reminiscent of 2022’s Cyberbrokers, and I could see it striking a chord with people.

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