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Free gaming NFT minting soon

Free gaming NFT minting soon


Yung Cicero


Aug 19, 2024

Today - Mythic Seeds

  • Mint Date: Q3
  • Supply: TBD
  • Price: Free
  • Chain: Ethereum (Mainnet)
  • Link

An upcoming free mint from TODAY, an AI-powered social simulation game (think Animal Crossing meets LLMs) developed by a doxxed team with AAA experience.

It’s a follow-up to their genesis mint from earlier this year, Ancient Seeds, a factory-style collection that provides priority access to most of what’s being cooked up here, including this upcoming drop.

These new seeds will offer holders game & mint-related benefits, but to a lesser degree than the genesis collection, since they are supposed to be of lesser rarity with a higher supply.

Details on holder benefits are slim, but much of what we said about the game’s first mint applies to this one.

This kind of game is hard to pull off (you can judge the gameplay here, they have another playtest starting next week), but getting in on a free gaming drop from an experienced team is a no-brainer if you have the time.

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The End of History by Mowgly Lee

  • Mint Date: August 20
  • Supply: 80
  • Price: TBD
  • Chain: Ethereum (Mainnet)
  • Link

This upcoming AI video art collection from Los Angeles-based artist Mowgly Lee drops tomorrow on Fellowship’s platform.

It envisions the collapse of modern society:

Grand-scale Hollywood-esque urban destruction, shadowy political cabal masters pulling the strings behind the scenes, social media brain rot — these bleak scenes and more have a home in this critique of the current socio-political landscape.

And it wouldn’t be an AI video collection without some downright weird ones.

Thankfully, there’s also a contrasting set of dreamlike ethereal pieces sprinkled in, like Commute from Work or Museum Fatigue, offering Truman Show-esque escapism from the chaos.

Mowgly was part of Fellowship’s first big AI video group show last year where he sold out a similar-looking collection. I enjoyed that one (own a piece), and this seems like a fitting follow-up.

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P.S. They seem to be giving out prices only on inquiry, and I’m not sure that’ll change before the drop time.

100X100 VOID by Scerbo

  • Mint Date: August 22
  • Supply: 21
  • Price: 24-Hour Auction starting at $1
  • Chain: Ethereum (Mainnet)
  • Link

If you thought that last one was weird…

This is a collection of stills from Italian artist Scerbo dropping this week on Verse. It takes his glitch photography collection from last year Anti-crash and feeds it to a host of hallucinating AIs to see if these can transform the pieces while maintaining a semblance of their original identity.

The results can only be described as if my sleep paralysis demons were afflicted by a balloon and dismemberment fetish (don’t google that last one).

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it, but I do know that my mother would interrogate me if she saw one of these hanging on my wall.

It might not be a collection for the masses, but a style this striking is sure to captivate those with an affinity for the bizarre, like those who bought out Scerbo’s similarly strange Unrealized Project just a few months ago.

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DOM2 by Leander Herzog & Milian Mori

  • Mint Date: August 21
  • Supply: Open Edition
  • Price: TBD
  • Chain: Ethereum (Base)
  • Link

This generative music and glitch creation by Swiss artists Leander Herzog and Milian Mori is dropping as part of Coinbase’s Onchain Summer.

Minimal techno beats drive brutalist animation changes in an infinite array of pieces (best enjoyed on a huge screen – see above, forest optional).

DOM2’s precursor, DOM1, sold out on fxhash last year.

This might be for you if you’re an explorator of niche electronic music… just don’t show these videos to your epileptic friends.


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