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A long-running PFP returns

Plus, schizo vibes, racecars and nerd art

A long-running PFP returns


Yung Cicero



Chimpers Arcadegen Card Collection

  • Mint Date: September 11
  • Supply: 555
  • Price: Free - 0.02 ETH
  • Chain: Ethereum (Base)
  • Link

A profile picture project from 2022 doing an NFT in the year of our lord 2024? Chat, is this real?


Continuing from where they left off with Amulet Cards last June (covered here), Chimpers is launching a full-fledged Collectibles Platform on the Base L2 alongside a new Arcadegen card collection from artist/founder Timpers.

The cards will be available for free to holders of a related art piece first, before moving on to a paid public sale by the end of the month.

These seem as complete as a trading card can be, including both 3D and 2D versions of the art, accompanying music, an AR experience, and even a physical twin for those who purchase before the end of the month.

The “game” (for now) is just collecting the cards, with at least one more future drop confirmed by the project.

Chimpers already has a positive track record with physicals, and they are one of the few PFP projects still standing that might be able to further grow the audience for their collectibles outside of crypto.

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Egomorphs by Dr. Formalyst

  • Mint Date: Today, 2 PM ET
  • Supply: 15
  • Price: $250
  • Chain: Ethereum (Mainnet)
  • Link

Anybody at this table order a 15-person bizarre art drop reeking of existential crisis?

This Verse collection dropping today comes from the mind of Spanish artist Dr. Formalyst, who you might know from this fairly popular Fellowship collection from last year.

Egomorphs sees CGI and generative AI blend to create 3D animations featuring the artist as protagonist in trippy choreographed scenes that are claustrophobic & schizo, a bit spooky and fairly theatrical.

Don’t get me wrong, there are deeper, valuable messages hidden in these pieces that are not that hard to grasp, but if you’re someone who, for example, doesn’t care for interpretive dance, then this might not be for you.

You’ll need an appreciation for the inherent jankiness of current AI video to be in the buyers camp, which for some, adds to the bizarre charm.

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Velocity Series Collection by Martin Grasser

  • Mint Date: TBD (probably this month)
  • Supply: TBD
  • Price: TBD
  • Chain: Ethereum (Mainnet)
  • Link

This will be the second drop for Red Bull’s Velocity Series 2.0 art pass, who’ll be hoping for a faster start than the sale of their first drop by Kjetil Golid, which stumbled a bit before being repriced lower and selling out.

This new collection is from a highly regarded creative coder in the scene, Martin Grasser, who put out last year’s standout Themes and Variations.

The single sneak peek looks clean, with striking colors depicting a racecar on a track, a nice change of pace from the more abstract interpretations found in the Red Bull collections so far.

Generative art sales are still struggling, but some artists you just gotta keep on the watchlist.

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Selections by Jan Robert Leegte

  • Mint Date: September 12
  • Supply: 150
  • Price: 0.11 ETH
  • Chain: Ethereum (Mainnet)
  • Link

Jan Robert Leegte’s Selection is for the real abstract internet heads out there.

Inspired by the selection tool found in most image editing software (you know, the one that highlights areas of an image using an animated dotted line, see above), Leegte has created an entire collection of interactive websites that focus on the simple elegance of this tool.

If that sounds exceptionally niche, it’s because it is.

The visuals are probably best appreciated by GUI geeks, with most of the variety coming from the chaotic dotted outlines and different color backgrounds.

And that’s exactly what the artist’s fans have come to like, as shown by his various sellouts of similar-looking love letters to internet interfaces over the years.

It might not be your cup of tea, but there’s clearly an audience for it.


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