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A NASA engineer worked on this drop

Satellite-connected Bitcoins

A NASA engineer worked on this drop


Yung Cicero


Jun 14, 2024

The Astronomer’s Daughter by Postwook

  • Mint Date: June 20
  • Supply: 100
  • Price: 0.015 BTC
  • Chain: Bitcoin
  • Link

Bitcoin sats and provenance maxis rejoice, for postwook has added cosmic context to her newest collection The Astronomer’s Daughter.

With the help of her NASA engineer father, postwook matched up 100 rare sats with satellite readings taken at the time of each sat’s mining.

Then she used these readings to create the collage-style art pieces inscribed on the sats, with variables like moon phases and constellations influencing the collection’s traits.

We all seem to like space-themed collections (e.g. Gazers), and I could see this attracting hardened Satoshi apostles (it’s a drop that’s only possible on Bitcoin).

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[test] by John Provencher

  • Mint Date: June 20
  • Supply: 64
  • Price: Ranked Auction (starting price TBD)
  • Chain: Bitcoin
  • Link

New York artist John Provencher, one of our favorites at MoS HQ over the past year, is releasing his first Ordinals collection, [test], as part of Verse’s All At Once exhibition.

Like LORE, my favorite Provencher drop from last year, [test] features lower-resolution visuals for aesthetic and research purposes.

Using the Mona Lisa as a test subject, the artist tests the limits of digital image processing, seeing how much the image can be degraded while still being recognizable (or not).

This is especially relevant for ordinal enjoyers, as JPEGs on BTC must fit in the archaic 4MB limit.

Da Vinci may not like it, but he’s getting irrevocably inscribed on the Mother Chain.

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  • Mint Date: TBD
  • Supply: 2,000
  • Price: Free
  • Chain: Ethereum
  • Link

Venture capital firm BasedVC, partner of well-known NFT projects CyberKongz and Neo Tokyo, has announced an upcoming NFT pass that will grant access to their $BASED token, networking, and “alpha” opportunities.

NFT-gated investing groups tend to be a skip, but BasedVC is a regulated entity run by a doxxed team, plus the pass is a free mint.

But there’s some fine print: You’ll need to stake the project’s $BASED token to “increase level of access & benefits”. Worth keeping an eye on this as they release more details.

For now, a free access pass to early-stage crypto opportunities is compelling enough for me.

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